What is Self-Talk in sports?

Self-talk for athletes involves the way you think and how you speak to yourself. Learn what self-talk in sports is and why it's important to you as an athlete.

Self-talk for athletes involves the way you think and how you speak to yourself. Learn what self-talk in sports is and why it’s important to you as an athlete.

What is Fear of Failure in Sports

The fear of failure in sports is going to hold you back as an athlete. Learn what the fear of failure is

The fear of failure in sports is going to hold you back as an athlete. Learn what the fear of failure is, what causes it, and how you can work to overcome fear of failure as an athlete.

What is Self-Confidence in Sports

As an athlete

As an athlete, you need to be confident. In this article, you will learn what self-confidence in sports is, what leads to you being confident, and how you can build your confidence as an athlete.

How to Build True Motivation in Sports

As an athlete

As an athlete, you need to build motivation in your sport. But more than that, you need a purpose. Learn how you can find and build true motivation in your sport as an athlete.

How to Deal With Frustrations in Sports

Frustrations happen during sports. Your job as an athlete is to make sure you don't get too upset and lose your composure. Learn how you can deal with frustrations as an athlete.

Frustrations happen during sports. Your job as an athlete is to make sure you don’t get too upset and lose your composure. Learn how you can deal with frustrations as an athlete.

Why Athletes Lose Focus During Games

Athletes need to be focused to perform their best. Learn all the main distractions athletes face and why they cause them to lose focus during games.

Athletes need to be focused to perform their best. Learn all the main distractions athletes face and why they cause them to lose focus during games.

Mental Coaching for Pregame Nerves & Anxiety

Are you an athlete dealing with pregame nerves or anxiety? If so

Are you an athlete dealing with pregame nerves or anxiety? If so, learn how mental coaching can help reduce the nerves and anxiety you feel, and het you playing freely and full of confidence!