Are Sports More Physical or Mental?

Are Sports More Physical or Mental? In this article

Are Sports More Physical or Mental? In this article, you’ll learn whether it’s more important to focus on the mental or physical side of your game as an athlete.

Should I Train My Mindset as an Athlete?

In this article

In this article, you will learn why you should train your mindset as an athlete, and how you can get started with mindset training to strengthen your mental game.

Why Athletes Get Nervous Before Games

Ever wondered why you get nervous before a game? Learn why you get nervous before games

Ever wondered why you get nervous before a game? Learn why you get nervous before games, plus three tips you can use to reduce your nerves and anxiety before a game.

What to Do if You Were Cut From the Team


So, you were cut from the team. I know this is frustrating and heartbreaking, but it can be handled in a productive way. Learn 4 tips you can use to manage being cut from the team in a more productive way as an athlete.

Why Anxiety Causes Athletes to Hide

Do you feel like you're hiding during games? You may be holding yourself back due to the anxiety you feel! Learn why this is and what you can do to let go of anxiety and play with confidence!

Do you feel like you’re hiding during games? You may be holding yourself back due to the anxiety you feel! Learn why this is and what you can do to let go of anxiety and play with confidence!